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Amanda Britton Graduates from the NJBankers Emerging Leaders Program

Amanda Britton Graduates from the NJBankers Emerging Leaders Program

Congratulations to Amanda Britton, Assistant Vice President, Retail Assistant Branch Manager, who recently graduated from the NJBankers Emerging Leaders Program. The program is designed to enhance the organizational, performance, and leadership skills of highly motivated managers who have the potential to become future leaders in the banking industry.

Britton completed the Emerging Bank Leaders Program designed to enhance the organizational, performance and leadership skills of highly motivated managers who have the potential to become future leaders in the banking industry. The program includes coursework on leading change, maximizing team development, performance management, communication effectiveness, strategic banking and individual development planning.

For more than 119 years the New Jersey Bankers Association, or NJBankers, has been an advocate for the New Jersey banking industry. Founded in a passion for representing the interests of the state’s banking community, the NJBankers mission remains as strong today as ever, even as the requirements for fulfilling its commitment have grown. To learn more about NJBankers, click here.

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