Save the date! Clear the clutter, for free. Just bring your papers and we’ll do the shredding and recycling. You leave with one item checked off your to-do list. The event is set to wrap up at 10:30am, but is subject to end earlier if the truck is full.
How It Works:
- Drive-up Shred Day: Bring your old printouts and documents in the trunk of your car. One of our team members will unload and bring the paper to our on-site shredding truck while you wait safely inside your vehicle.
- Mixed office paper only (no magazines or newspapers).
- Shredded on site, while you watch.
- Limit: 2 file boxes or 50 lbs.
- 100% of materials will be recycled.
When & Where:
- Saturday, April 12, 2025
- 2221 Landmark Place, Wall, NJ 08736
- 8:30 a.m. to 10:30a.m., or until the truck is full
Why It Works:
- Recycling paper might seem like a small act individually, but it can be a tremendously impactful initiative when we coordinate a Shred Day together. Consider the following:
- Recycling 1 ton of paper saves 17 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, and 2 barrels of oil.
- The process of recycling paper generates 74% less air pollution and uses 50% less water than making paper from new materials.
- 40% of all landfill waste is paper.
- U.S. papermakers recycle enough paper daily to fill a 14-mile long train of boxcars