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Community Day 2024

Community Day 2024

Our 150th Anniversary Community Day is just around the corner on Saturday, September 14th, (rain date Sunday, Sept. 15th), at Squan Plaza in Downtown Manasquan from 11a.m. to 4p.m.!

To kick off the festivities early, we’re celebrating with a full week of Days of Giving donations to 10 selected local non-profit organizations during the week leading up to Community Day - starting on Monday, Sept. 9th through Friday, Sept. 13th.

Days of Giving - Monday, Sept. 9th - Friday, Sept. 13th

How It Works:

  • Gather your spare change.
  • Visit any Manasquan Bank branch location.
  • Cash in your loose coins.
  • We’ll calculate 15% of your transaction and make the donation.
  • You keep your full redemption!

2024 Days of Giving Charities:

  • Kindness Cafe on Main
  • Next Steps Adult Day Program
  • Sandy Hook Foundation
  • Shore Saves
  • Chef Lou's Army
  • Sea Change Recovery Community Organization
  • The Arc, Ocean County Chapter
  • Akhil Autism Foundation
  • Metuchen Education Foundation
  • National Multiple Sclerosis Society

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